Past Elections
Unofficial election results for the February 27, 2024 election can be found here.Ballot Selection form for Permanent Ballot List Voters
Dates to Remember
- Thursday, January 18th – Absent Voter ballots available in-person at the Clerk’s Office. First mailing of absent voter ballots to voters who have already submitted an absent voter ballot application or are on the Permanent Ballot List to the Clerk’s Office.
- Monday, February 12th - Last day to register to vote in any matter other than in-person at your local Clerk’s Office.
- Tuesday, February 13th through Tuesday, February 27th until 8:00pm - A person may register to vote in-person at their local Clerk’s Office with proof of residency.
- Friday, February 23rd 5:00pm - Deadline for voters to request an absent voter ballot to be mailed via first class mail.
- Monday, February 26th 4:00pm - Deadline for registered voters to request an absent voter ballot in-person at the Clerk’s Office. Ballots must be voted in-person at the Clerk’s Office.
- Tuesday, February 27th until 8:00pm - A person registering to vote in-person at the Clerk’s Office may obtain and vote an absent voter ballot with proof of residency or vote in-person at their proper precinct.
Click Here: Republican Sample Ballot | Click Here:
Democratic Sample Ballot
Unofficial Results can be found here
City Council Member - Vote for Three
- Two Highest Vote Totals - Four Year Term
- Third Highest Vote Total - Two Year Term
Oakland County Official Candidate List - November 7, 2023
Dates to Remember
- Thursday, September 28th – Absent Voter ballots available in-person at the Clerk’s Office. First mailing of absent voter ballots to voters who have already submitted an absent voter ballot application to the Clerk’s Office.
- Monday, October 23rd - Last day to register to vote in any matter other than in-person at your local Clerk’s Office.
- Tuesday, October 24th through Tuesday, November 7th until 8:00pm - A person may register to vote in-person at their local Clerk’s Office with proof of residency.
- Friday, November 3rd 5:00pm - Deadline for voters to request an absent voter ballot to be mailed via first class mail.
- Monday, November 6th 4:00pm - Deadline for registered voters to request an absent voter ballot in-person at the Clerk’s Office. Ballots must be voted in-person at the Clerk’s Office.
- Tuesday, November 7th until 8:00pm - A person registering to vote in-person at the Clerk’s Office may obtain and vote an absent voter ballot with proof of residency or vote in-person at their proper precinct.
Click here for the November 7, 2023 Absentee Ballot Application
UNOFFICIAL Election Results can be found at Oakland County Election Night Reporting at after 8:00 pm on Election Day.
All Polls will be open on Election Day from 7:00 am through 8:00 pm.
A dual ABSENTEE APPLICATION TO VOTE for both the August Primary and the November General Elections was mailed the week of June 1, 2022 to all registered voters who are presently on our Automatic Application List (formerly known as the Permanent Absentee Voter list). If you are not on our Automatic Application list but would like to receive an absentee voter (AV) ballot for this election, please visit or call our offices to receive a current AV application. You may also print and return a November 8, 2022 Absentee Application to Vote that is located here. Please be sure to PRINT your name and address in blank area before sending to the Clerk's Office.
ABSENTEE BALLOTS will begin to be mailed the last week of September, 2022 to voters who have already submitted an absentee application to vote. Applications may be submitted at the Clerk's Office through Monday, November 8, 2022, though the last day to mail out ballots will be Friday, November 4, 2022. Those submitting an absentee application to vote in person on the day before the election MUST vote in and return the ballot to the Clerk's office before leaving the building.
WEEKEND HOURS of the Clerk's office are available for the convenience of voters on Saturday, November 5, 2022 from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
Below is the list of all polling locations for the November 8, 2022 General Election.
Please note that the temporary polling location changes for the August Primary are no longer necessary.
An interactive map is available to help you find your precinct and polling location here.
This is a sample ballot from Precinct 1 - if you reside in a different precinct, all races remain the same*, though names may appear in a different order.
*Exception: Precinct 5 voters who live west of Drake Road will be voting on different candidates for Representative in State Legislature. They reside in the 21st District and their candidates are: Kelly Breen, Democrat; David Staudt, Republican; James K. Young, Libertarian.
Unofficial Results of Election as of 8/3/2022
City of Farmington Unofficial Results via Oakland County Reporting
Polls will be open on Election Day from 7:00 am through 8:00 pm.
Absentee Ballots
A dual Absentee Ballot Application to vote for both the August Primary and the November General Elections will be mailed the week of May 30, 2022 to all registered voters who are presently on our Automatic Application List (formerly known as the Permanent Absentee Voter list). If you are not on our Automatic Application list but would like to receive an absentee voter (AV) ballot for this election, please visit the office, call, or email You may also download the Absentee Application here.
Absentee Ballots will be mailed the first week of July, 2022 to voters who have already submitted an absentee application to vote. Applications may be submitted at the Clerk's Office through Monday, August 1, 2022, though the last day to mail out ballots will be Friday, July 29, 2022. Those submitting an absentee application to vote in person on the day before the election MUST vote and return the ballot to the Clerk's office before leaving the building.
Office Hours
The Clerk's office are available for the convenience of voters on Saturday, July 30, 2022 from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
Polls will be open on Election Day from 7:00 am through 8:00 pm.
Below is the list of all polling locations for the August 2, 2022 Primary election. Please take note of the temporary polling location changes for Precincts 3, 4, and 5 noted in red.
This is a sample ballot from Precinct 1 - if you reside in a different precinct, all races remain the same, though names will appear in a different order.
Delegate names will be different in every precinct.
There are no proposals in this election.
More information to come soon!
Unofficial Election results for Oakland County can be found here.
Farmington Voter Turnout
7907 Registered Voters - 6229 votes cast in this election - 78.7% Voter Turnout
4479 (71.9%) of all votes cast were cast as Absent Voter Ballots.
Farmington had a 97.5% return rate on Absent Voter Ballots issued.
All Polls will be open on Election Day from 7:00 am through 8:00 pm.
Absentee Ballots
A dual Absentee Application to vote for both the August Primary and the November General Elections was mailed the week of June 1, 2020 to all registered voters who are presently on our Automatic Application List (formerly known as the Permanent Absentee Voter list). If you are not on our Automatic Application list but would like to receive an absentee voter (AV) ballot for this election, please visit or call our offices to receive a current AV application. You may also print and return a November 3, 2020 Absentee Application to Vote that is located here.
Absentee Ballots will begin to be mailed the first week of October, 2020 (or earlier, if possible) to voters who have already submitted an absentee application to vote. Applications may be submitted at the Clerk's Office through Monday, November 2, 2020, though the last day to mail out ballots will be Friday, October 30, 2020. Those submitting an absentee application to vote in person on the day before the election MUST vote and return the ballot to the Clerk's office before leaving the building.
Office Hours
Weekend hours of the Clerk's office are available for the convenience of voters on Saturday, October 31, 2020 from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
The following is a sample ballot from Precinct 1 - if you reside in a different precinct, all races remain the same, though names may appear in a different order.
Poll Hours
Polls will be open on Election Day from 7:00 am through 8:00 pm.
Absentee Ballots
A dual Absentee Ballot for both the August Primary and the November General Elections was mailed the week of June 1, 2020 to all registered voters who are presently on our Automatic Application List (formerly known as the Permanent Absentee Voter list). If you are not on our Automatic Application list but would like to receive an absentee voter (AV) ballot for this election, please visit or call our offices to receive a current AV application. You may also print and return an August 4, 2020 Absentee Application to Vote that is located here.
Absentee Ballots began to be mailed the first week of July, 2020 to voters who had already submitted an absentee application to vote. Applications may be submitted at the Clerk's Office through Monday, August 3, 2020, though the last day to mail out ballots will be Friday, July 31, 2020. Those submitting an absentee application to vote in person on the day before the election MUST vote and return the ballot to the Clerk's office before leaving the building.
Office Hours
Weekend hours of the Clerk's office are available for the convenience of voters on Saturday, August 1, 2020 from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
On the Ballot
The election will be conducted in all voting precincts of the City of Farmington for the purpose of nominating candidates of all participating parties for the following offices:
U.S. Senator, U.S. Representative in Congress, State Representative and such other partisan offices that may by law be required to be nominated at the primary.
Candidates seeking nomination to the following nonpartisan offices are also to be voted for in designated counties:
Circuit Court Judge, Probate Court Judge, District Court Judge and such other nonpartisan offices that may by law be required to be nominated at the primary.
And for the purpose of electing:
Delegates to county convention of the Democratic Party and Republican Party.
The following is a sample ballot from Precinct 1 - if you reside in a different precinct, all races remain the same, though names may appear in a different order. Party Delegate sections (page 2 of ballot) will be different in every precinct.
Notice of Registration for August 4, 2020
Notice of Election for August 4, 2020
Other information about the August 4, 2020 Election will be posted soon.
Results of the election for Farmington from
Poll Hours
Polls will be open on Election Day from 7:00 am through 8:00 pm.
Absentee Ballots
Absentee Ballots Applications to vote will be mailed the week of December 23, 2019 to all registered voters who are presently on our Automatic Application List (formerly known as the Permanent Absentee Voter list). If you are not on our Automatic Application list but would like to receive an absentee voter (AV) ballot for this election, please visit or call our offices to receive a current AV application. You may also print and return a March 10, 2020 Absentee Application to Vote that is located here.
Absentee Ballots will begin to be mailed the first week of February, 2020 to voters who have already submitted an absentee application to vote. Applications may be submitted at the Clerk's Office through Monday, March 9, 2020, though the last day to mail out ballots will be Friday, March 6, 2020. Those submitting an absentee application to vote in person on the day before the election MUST vote and return the ballot to the Clerk's office before leaving the building.
Office Hours
Weekend hours of the Clerk's office are available for the convenience of voters on Saturday, March 7, 2020 from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
On the Ballot
Presidential Primary - The 2020 Presidential Primary is designated a "closed primary," just as it was in 2012 and 2016. Michigan Election Law requires voters wishing to participate in the March 10 Election to choose a Democratic, Republican, or ballot without Presidential Primary (local issues only such as proposals) ballot when voting absentee or at the polls on Election Day. While a voter must select a specific ballot, there is no political party registration in Michigan's voter registration system. However, the voter's ballot selection will be public information for the 22 months following the election.
Renewal of Oakland County Art Institute Authority Millage - In 2012 the electors of Oakland County approved a 10-year millage to provide County residents with services from the Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA) through the Oakland County Art Institute Authority. As a result of the millage, the DIA provides Oakland County residents with free K-12 school field trips including free transportation, free senior group programming with free transportation, and unlimited free general admission. To ensure transparency, the DIA submits to an annual independent audit and posts financial reports online. To continue to provide revenue to the DIA, which will allow these DIA services for the residents of the County to continue, the Art Institute Authority is permitted by law to seek a renewal of the millage at a rate of no more than the current 0.2 mill (20 cents per $1,000 taxable value) on all real and personal property in the County. Revenue from this millage will be disbursed to the Art Institute Authority and then transferred to the DIA as permitted by and for the purposes set forth in Public Act 296 of 2010. It is estimated that if approved and levied, this millage renewal would generate approximately $13,600,000 in 2022.
Do you approve the renewal of the 0.2 mill on all taxable property located within the County for a period of 10 years from 2022 through 2031?
Farmington Public School District Bond Proposal - Shall the Farmington Public School District, County of Oakland, Michigan, borrow the principal sum of not to exceed Ninety-Eight Million Dollars ($98,000,000) and issue its general obligation unlimited tax bonds for the purpose of defraying the cost of making the following improvements:
-remodeling School District buildings for safety and security improvements;
-constructing additions to, equipping, furnishing, reequipping, refurnishing and remodeling School District buildings, including classroom, auditorium, roofing and climate control improvements;
-improving and developing sites, including outdoor athletic facilities, playgrounds and structures in the School District;
-acquiring school buses; and
-acquiring and installing technology infrastructure and equipment?
The debt millage required to retire all bonds of the School District currently outstanding and proposed pursuant to this Bond Proposal, if approved, is estimated to be at or below 3.20 mills, which is .10 mill less than the 2019 levy. The estimated millage to be levied in 2020 to service this issue of bonds is .90 mill ($ .90 per $1,000 of taxable value) and the estimated simple average annual millage rate required to retire the bonds of this issue is 1.12 mill ($1.12 per $1,000 of taxable value). The bonds may be issued in multiple series, payable in the case of each series in not to exceed 20 years from the date of issue of such series.
(Under state law, bond proceeds may not be used to pay teacher or administrator salaries, routine maintenance costs or other School District operating expenses.)
The following are sample ballots from Precinct 1 - if you reside in a different precinct, all races remain the same, though names may appear in a different order.
Democratic Party Ballot
Republican Party Ballot
No Party Declaration Ballot
Click images below for a printable version:
Notice of Election for March 10, 2020- will be posted soon as available
Notice of Registration for March 10, 2020
Notice of Election Commission Meeting and Public Accuracy Test for March 10, 2020
Other information about the March 10, 2020 Election will be posted soon.
Poll Hours
Polls will be open on Election Day from 7:00 am through 8:00 pm.
Absentee Ballots
Absentee Ballot Applications will be mailed around September 1, 2021 to all registered voters who are presently on our Automatic Application List (formerly known as the Permanent Absentee Voter list). If you are not on our Automatic Application list but would like to receive an absentee voter (AV) ballot for this election, please visit or call our offices to receive a current AV application. You may also print and return a November 2, 2021 Absentee Application to Vote located here.
Absentee Ballots will begin to be mailed the first week of October, 2021 to voters who have already submitted an absentee application to vote. Applications may be submitted through Monday, November 1, 2021, though the last day to mail out ballots will be Friday, October 29, 2021. Those submitting an absentee application to vote in person on the day before the election MUST vote and return the ballot to the Clerk's office before leaving the building.
Office Hours
Weekend hours of the Clerk's office are available for the convenience of voters on Saturday, October 30, 2021 from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
On the Ballot
City Council Race There are three seats open for City Council for this election. The top two candidates with the most votes will receive four year terms and the candidate with the third most votes will receive a two year term. The following candidates are registered for this election:
- Johnna Balk
- David DeLind, incumbent
- Jacob Nelson
- Geof Perrot
- Steve Schneemann, incumbent
- Maria Taylor, incumbent
- Cathi Waun
This is a sample ballot from Precinct 1 - if you reside in a different precinct, all races remain the same, though names will appear in a different order.
There is no other proposal or race in this election - only City Council.
Click images below for a printable version:

Notice of Petition Packet for November 2, 2021 City Council Seats

Notice of Election for November 2, 2021
Notice of Registration for November 2, 2021
Notice of Election Commission Meeting and Public Accuracy Test for November 2, 2021
Other information about the November 2, 2021 Election coming soon.
November 5, 2019 Election - By The Numbers
7551 Registered voters in Farmington
2322 voted in this election (31% turnout)
1310 of those voted an Absent Voter Ballot (56% of those voting in this election)
1012 voted in a precinct (44% of those voting in this election)
Unofficial Results
Joe LaRussa – 1484 votes – 25.59% - 4 year term
SaraBowman – 1332 votes – 22.70% - 4 year term
Steve Schneemann – 1240 votes – 21.13% - 2 year term
Sarah Davies – 922 votes – 15.71%
Geof Perrot – 865 votes – 14.74%
Precinct results details can be found at .
Poll Hours
Polls will be open on Election Day from 7:00 am through 8:00 pm.
Absentee Ballots
Absentee Ballot Applications were mailed the week of September 2, 2019 to all registered voters who are presently on our Automatic Application List (formerly known as the Permanent Absentee Voter list). If you are not on our Automatic Application list but would like to receive an absentee voter (AV) ballot for this election, please visit or call our offices to receive a current AV application. You may also print and return a November 5, 2019 Absentee Application to Vote located here.
Absentee Ballots will begin to be mailed the first week of October, 2019 to voters who have already submitted an absentee application to vote. Applications may be submitted through Monday, November 4, 2019, though the last day to mail out ballots will be Friday, November 1, 2019. Those submitting an absentee application to vote in person on the day before the election MUST vote and return the ballot to the Clerk's office before leaving the building.
Office Hours
Weekend hours of the Clerk's office are available for the convenience of voters on Saturday, November 2, 2019 from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
On the Ballot
City Council Race - There are three seats open for City Council for this election. The top two candidates with the most votes will receive four year terms and the candidate with the third most votes will receive a two year term. The following candidates are registered for this election:
- Sara Bowman, incumbent
- Sarah Davies
- Joe LaRussa, incumbent
- Geof Perrot
- Steve Schneemann, incumbent
Proposal - Oakland Community College Operating Millage Renewal Proposal
This proposal authorizes Oakland Community College to continue to levy 0.7545 mill for operating purposes for 10 years as a renewal of millage previously approved by the electors in 2010, which expires with the 2021 tax levy.Shall the limitation on the amount of taxes which may be levied on all taxable property within the Oakland Community College district, State of Michigan, be renewed at a rate of 0.7545 mill ($0.7545 per $1,000 of taxable valuation) for a period of 10 years, 2022 through 2031, inclusive, to provide funds for College operating purposes? It is estimated that if the millage is approved and 0.7545 mill is levied in 2022, it would raise $45,065,057 for the College.
This is a sample ballot from Precinct 1 - if you reside in a different precinct, all races remain the same, though names may appear in a different order.

Notice of Petition Packet for November 5, 2019 City Council Seats
Notice of Election for November 5, 2019
Notice of Registration for November 5, 2019
Notice of Election Commission Meeting and Public Accuracy Test for November 5, 2019
Other information about the November 5, 2019 Election will be posted soon.
Unofficial Results
Poll Hours
Polls will be open on Election Day from 7:00 am through 8:00 pm.
Absentee Ballots
A dual Absentee Application to Vote for both the August Primary and the November General Elections was mailed the week of May 28, 2018 to all registered voters who are presently on our Permanent Absentee Voter list. There was not another mailing prior to the November election. If you are not on our permanent list but meet the requirements to receive an absentee voter (AV) ballot for this election, please visit or call our offices to receive a current AV application. You may also print and return a dual August and November 2018 Absentee Application to Vote below.
Dual August and November 2018 Absentee Application to Vote - Please be sure to PRINT your name and address in blank area before sending to the Clerk's Office.
An Absentee Ballot may be requested for the following reasons:
- You are 60 years of age or older
- You are physically unable to attend the polls without assistance of another
- You have been appointed as an election precinct inspector in a precinct other than the precinct where you reside
- You expect to be absent from the community in which you are registered for the entire time the polls are open on election day
- The tenets of your religion cause you not to attend
- You are confined to jail awaiting arraignment or trial
Absentee Ballots Application began to be mailed the week of October 1, 2018 to voters who have already submitted an absentee application to vote. Applications may be submitted through Monday, November 5, 2018, though the last day to mail out ballots will be Saturday, November 3, 2018. Those submitting an absentee application to vote in person on the day before the election MUST vote i City Hall and return the ballot to the Clerk's office before leaving the building.
Click here to open a printable version of "College Bound":
Notice of Close of Registration
To the Qualified Electors of the City of Farmington, Oakland County, Michigan. Notice is hereby given that Tuesday, October 9, 2018 is the LAST DAY TO REGISTER for the November 6, 2018 election.
Office Hours
Weekend hours of the Clerk's office are available for the convenience of voters on Saturday, November 3, 2018 from 8:30 am to 2:00 pm.
On the Ballot
This is a trong>sample ballot from Precinct 1 - if you reside in a different precinct, all races remain the same, though names may appear in a different order.
To access ballot information for any current election or to access your precinct information, go to
Beginning with the November 2017 election, voters in Farmington and all of Oakland County will use the new Verity Voting system, selected because it is secure, accurate, and easy to use. Verity is federally certified and meets Michigan's most stringent standards.
You will notice several slight changes in your
voting experience, including filling in rectangles to the left of your choice rather than ovals to the right, the ballot might be shorter than our former scanners could handle, and the system has a large color screen, making it easy for voters to see if there is a problem with how their ballot was marked. When your ballot has been successfully cast, you will see the image of an American flag on the screen to assure you that your ballot has been counted.
Official Election Results
Poll Hours
Polls will be open on Election Day from 7:00 am through 8:00 pm.
Absentee Ballots
A dual Absentee Application to vote for both the August Primary and the November General Elections will be mailed the week of May 28, 2018 to all registered voters who are presently on our Permanent Absentee Voter list. There will not be another mailing prior to the November election. If you are not on our permanent list but meet the requirements to receive an absentee voter (AV) ballot for this election, please visit or call our offices to receive a current AV application. You may also print and return a dual August and November 2018 Absentee Application to Vote below.Dual August and November 2018 Absentee Application to Vote - Please be sure to PRINT your name and address in blank area before sending to the Clerk's Office.
An Absentee Ballot may be requested for the following reasons:
- You are 60 years of age or older
- You are physically unable to attend the polls without assistance of another
- You have been appointed as an election precinct inspector in a precinct other than the precinct where you reside
- You expect to be absent from the community in which you are registered for the entire time the polls are open on election day
- The tenets of your religion cause you not to attend
- You are confined to jail awaiting arraignment or trial
Absentee Ballots will begin to be mailed the week of July 2, 2018 to voters who have already submitted an absentee application to vote. Applications may be submitted through Monday, August 6, 2018, though the last day to mail out ballots will be Saturday, August 4, 2018. Those submitting an absentee application to vote in person on the day before the election MUST vote and return the ballot to the Clerk's office before leaving the building.
Notice of Close of Registration
To the Qualified Electors of the City of Farmington, Oakland County, Michigan. Notice is hereby given that Tuesday, July 9, 2018 is the LAST DAY TO REGISTER for the August 7, 2018 election.
Office Hours
Weekend hours of the Clerk's office are available for the convenience of voters on Saturday, August 4, 2018 from 8:30 am to 2:00 pm.
On the Ballot
Races -
Congressional - United States Senator and Representative in Congress
Legislative - State Senator and Representative in State Legislature
County - County Commissioner
And for the purpose of electing Delegates to the County Convention of the Republican and Democratic Parities
Proposals -
If approved, this proposal will renew and increase the .9863 mills formerly authorized to 1.0 mills for the years 2018 through 2021, and allow continued support to the Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation (SMART) for a public transportation system serving the elderly, disabled, and general public of Oakland County.
For the purpose of providing funds for the support of a public transportation system serving the elderly, disabled, and general public of the County of Oakland, as a renewal and increase of the .9863 mills which expired with the 2017 tax levy, shall the limitation on the amount of taxes imposed on taxable property in the Oakland County Public Transportation Authority area be renewed and increased at 1.0 mills ($1.00 per $1,000 of taxable value) for four (4) years, 2018 through 2021, inclusive? It is estimated that if approved this millage will raise approximately $31 million in the first year.
To access ballot information for any current election or to access your precinct information, go to
Beginning with the November 2017 election, voters in Farmington and all of Oakland County will use the new Verity Voting system, selected because it is secure, accurate, and easy to use. Verity is federally certified and meets Michigan's most stringent standards.
You will notice several slight changes in your
voting experience, including filling in rectangles to the left of your choice rather than ovals to the right, the ballot might be shorter than our former scanners could handle, and the system has a large color screen, making it easy for voters to see if there is a problem with how their ballot was marked. When your ballot has been successfully cast, you will see the image of an American flag on the screen to assure you that your ballot has been counted.
CLOSE OF REGISTRATION NOTICE - click image for printable version
NOTICE OF ELECTION - click image for printable version
SAMPLE BALLOT - Each Precinct will have candidates alphabetically in a rotating order, and will include different Precinct Delegate choices. Please see the sample ballot at your polling places to see how your individual ballot looks if you are not in Precinct 1.
If you have any questions, please call the Clerk’s office at 248-474-5500.
Official Results
For further information, please go to
Poll Hours
Polls will be open on Election Day from 7:00 am through 8:00 pm.
Absentee Ballots
Absentee Applications to vote will be mailed the week of September 4, 2017 to all registered voters who are presently on our Permanent Absentee Voter list. If you are not on our permanent list but meet the requirements to receive an absentee voter (AV) ballot for this election, please visit or call our offices to receive a current AV application. You may also print and return a November 7, 2017 Absentee Application to Vote below.
November 7, 2017 Application for Absent Voter's Ballot - Please be sure to PRINT your name and address before sending to the Clerk's Office.
An Absentee Ballot may be requested for the following reasons:
- You are 60 years of age or older
- You are physically unable to attend the polls without assistance of another
- You have been appointed as an election precinct inspector in a precinct other than the precinct where you reside
- You expect to be absent from the community in which you are registered for the entire time the polls are open on election day
- The tenets of your religion cause you not to attend
- You are confined to jail awaiting arraignment or trial
Absentee Ballots will begin to be mailed the week of October 2, 2017 to voters who have already submitted an absentee application to vote. Applications may be submitted through Monday, November 6, 2017, though the last day to mail out ballots will be Saturday, November 4, 2017. Those submitting an absentee application to vote in person on the day before the election MUST vote and return the ballot to the Clerk's office before leaving the building.
Notice of Close of Registration
To the Qualified Electors of the City of Farmington, Oakland County, Michigan. Notice is hereby given that Tuesday, October 10, 2017 is the LAST DAY TO REGISTER for the November 7, 2017 election.
Office Hours
Weekend hours of the Clerk's office are available for the convenience of voters on Saturday, November 4, 2017 from 8:30 am to 2:30 pm.
On the Ballot
City Council Race - There are three seats open for City Council for this election. The top two candidates with the most votes will receive four year terms and the candidate with the third most votes will receive a two year term. The following candidates are registered for this election:
- Greg Cowley, incumbent
- Bill Galvin, incumbent
- Joe LaRussa
- Jeff Scott, incumbent
- Maria Taylor
To access ballot information for any current election or access your precinct information, go to
Beginning with the November 2017 election, voters in Farmington and all of Oakland County will use the new Verity Voting system, selected because it is secure, accurate, and easy to use. Verity is federally certified and meets Michigan's most stringent standards.
Beginning with the November 2017 election, voters in Farmington and all of Oakland County will use the new Verity Voting system, selected because it is secure, accurate, and easy to use. Verity is federally certified and meets Michigan's most stringent standards.
You will notice several slight changes in your
voting experience, including filling in rectangles to the left of your choice rather than ovals to the right, the ballot might be shorter than our former scanners could handle, and the system has a large color screen, making it easy for voters to see if there is a problem with how their ballot was marked. When your ballot has been successfully cast, you will see the image of an American flag on the screen to assure you that your ballot has been counted.
Want to take a look at the new equipment before the Election? Visit us at our open house from 5:00pm to 7:00pm on Monday October 16 at City Hall in Council Chambers or Saturday November 4th from 9:00am to 12:00pm
For City of Farmington election results after 2016, please visit the Oakland County Elections Division website.